
(Map1 & Map2)

New South Wales (NSW) 
AUSTRALIA Lost & Found pets (Southern Highlands)
Camden & surrounds Lost Found & Injured Pets (Australia)
Central Coast NSW Lost, Found And Injured Pets
Dubbo, NSW Lost And Found Pets
Friends Who Like Liverpool Pet's Lost & Found NSW
Griffith Nsw and Surrounds Lost or Found Animals
Holroyd Area Lost and Found Pets
Hornsby lost and found pets and surrounds
Invergowrie NSW Pets And Animals Lost And Found & Buy Swap Sell
Liverpool Pet's Lost & Found NSW
Lost & Found/ Foster/ Adoption/ Buy & Sell Pets Eastern Suburbs NSW
Lost & Found Pets Bay 'n Basin, NSW
Lost & found pets NSW/QLD ( Australia )
Lost & Found Pets Newcastle Nsw Australia
Lost & Found Pets Stockton NSW
Lost And Found Pets Central West NSW
Lost and Found Pets Nsw
Lost and found pets in nsw
lost and found pets newcastle and surrounds nsw storm
Lost and Found Pets, New England Region NSW
Lost and found pets of New South Wales
Lost and Found Pets Nowra and Shoalhaven NSW.
Lost and Found Pets Sydney Australia
Lost/found/missing and stolen pets NSW
Lost/Found Pets In NSW
Lost Pets in NSW
Orange NSW Lost and Found Pets
Northern Beaches Birds
P.A.W.S Pets For Sale / Lost, Found, Stolen & Rescue in Australia
Penrith Vet- Lost and Found Pets
Pets - Buy/Sell & Lost/Found NSW
Pets for Sale - Lost & Found - Hawkesbury/Penrith NSW
PETS REUNITED NSW / ACT - where lost pets are found
Port Stephens Animals Lost and Found
SSH Rescue Pets for Adoption in QLD & NSW and Lost N Found Pets Australia.

Northern Territory (NT)
Humpty Doo and Rural Areas Lost And Found Pets
Katherine Pets Lost And Found
Lost, Found, Sell Or Giveaway PETS Of Alice Springs
Lost Pet Finders Northern Territory
Northern Territory Lost Pet Register
Top End Lost and Found - TELAF

Queensland (QLD) 
Birds Lost & Found QLD

Brisbane Lost & Found Pets!
Brisbane Lost/Found or Stolen Items/Pets Site.
Gin Gin, Qld & Surrounds  Lost & Found animals
Gold Coast Lost and Found Pets 
Gladstone and Surrounds - Lost, Missing and Found Pets
Jimboomba & Surrounds Lost and Found Pets
Lost & Found Pets Ipswich QLD
Lost & found pets NSW/QLD ( Australia )
LOST and Found PETS - Sunshine Coast Qld Australia
Lost and Found Pets Sunshine Coast
LOST and Found PETS - Sunshine Coast Qld Australia
Lost And Found Pets In Toowoomba
Lost and Found Pets Townsville & Nth Qld
Lost Found and Rescue Birds Cairns
Lost Pet Co-ordinator - Ipswich
Lost Pet Coordinator Gold Coast & Scenic Rim
PETS REUNITED QLD - where lost pets are found
Redlands Brisbane Bayside  Lost and Found Pets
SSH Rescue Pets for Adoption in QLD & NSW and Lost N Found Pets Australia.
Toowoomba Pets - lost and found!
Townsville Lost and Found Birds
Western Downs Qld Lost & Found Pets

South Australia (SA) 
Lost Birds of Adelaide
Lost birds of Adelaide and foster carers for birds.
Lost & Found Pet Advertisements South Australia
South Australia lost and found pets

Tasmania (TAS) 

Lost & Found Animals In North-West Tasmania.
Lost and Found Animals - North/North West Tasmania
Lost and Found Animals - Southern Tasmania
LOST and FOUND and MISSING PETS - Tasmania, Australia 
Lost and Found Pets of Tasmania 
Lost and found pets ( launceston and surrounding areas ) Tasmania
Lost and Found pets in tassie
PETS REUNITED VIC / TAS - where lost pets are found
Tasmanian Lost Pet Register
Tasmania  Parrots  N  Birds  Lost  and Found

Victoria (VIC)
Cockatoo, Emerald (Victoria) & Surrounding Regions Lost & Found Animals 
Greater Dandenong Lost and Found Pets
Heathcote vic Lost and found pets
Kingston Lost and Found Pets
Lost Birds of Victoria, Australia
Lost & Found Animals Victoria
Lost&found pets along Murray river- Echuca, cohuna, koondrook, swan hill
Lost & Found Pets in MacArthur Park, Miners Rest, Victoria
Lost and found animals seymour victoria and surrounds
Lost and Found Animals Victoria Aus
lost and found birds victoria
Lost and found Pets  Deer Park Victoria Australia
Lost and Found Pets Macedon Ranges
Lost and Found Pets - South West Victoria
Lost and Found Pets Victoria, Australia.
Lost Birds of Victoria, Australia
Lost found and homeless animals in Victoria
Lost Pets in the West (Melbourne, Australia)
Lost Pets Northern Suburbs (Melbourne, Australia)
Mansfield Victoria - FREE to GOOD home & LOST and FOUND ANIMAL'S
Maryborough VIC Lost and Found PETS
Maryborough VIC Pets Lost and Found
Melbourne Pets Lost & Found VIC dogs cats Birds etc
PETS REUNITED VIC / TAS - where lost pets are found
Warrnambool and south/west Victoria lost and found pets

Western Australia (WA)

Lost & Found Pets - Perth, Western Australia
Lost & Found Pets, Western Australia
Lost and Found Birds Perth WA
Lost and Found Pets in Perth
Lost & Found Pets, Western Australia
Lost and Found Pets -  Perth, Western Australia
Pets Lost and Found- Geraldton/Midwest Australia
Pets of Perth - Lost & Found

Australia Pages
Aussie  Parrots  Lost  &  Found...Australia  Wide
Australia wide lost and found pets
Lost & Found Birds AUSTRALIA
Lost  &  Found  Pets..  Australia  Wide
Lost and Found Birds in Australia
Lost and Found Pets Australia
Lost and Found Pets Australia.
Lost and found pets in Australia
lost and found pets australia wide
Lost and Found Pets Australia Wide
Lost, Found & Adoption Birds
Lost/Stolen/missing/found Pets. All over Australia.
ParrotAlert AU - Lost and Found Birds & Parrots Australia
Reunite me Lost stolen missing found pets australia